International Family Therapy Conferences

Asian Academy of Family Therapy 8th Annual Conference


The Asian Academy of Family Therapy's 8th Annual Conference is set to take place in Hong Kong from October 27-29, 2023, following successful events held in Japan, Korea, Singapore, China, and Taiwan. The conference's theme, "Reconnecting Families and Family Therapy Communities," reflects its mission to bring together family therapy experts and practitioners from around the world to share cutting-edge research and clinical practice on family health and education. While the conference has traditionally had a strong focus on Asia, it has attracted professionals from the United States, Europe, and beyond, making it an international forum for networking and collaboration.

Following a challenging period of lockdowns and travel restrictions due to the pandemic, the 8th Annual Conference is poised to be a major event in Hong Kong's professional and cultural calendar. Participants can expect to engage in thought-provoking discussions and interactive sessions, led by expert keynote speakers and experienced practitioners from across Asia, including Wai-Yung Lee from Hong Kong, Takeshi Tamura from Japan, Young-Ju Chun from Korea, Zhao Xudong from Mainland China, Hao-Wei Wang from Taiwan and many more from other Asian regions including Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand and Bangladesh. In addition, we are excited to welcome our special guests Maurizio Andolfi from Italy, Mona Fishbane and Peter Fraenkel from the USA, and other experts from the UK and Europe to share their newest development in the field of Family Therapy. The conference program will cover a wide range of topics, including family therapy techniques, cultural perspectives on family health, and the role of technology in family therapy.

The conference will also provide an opportunity to explore the vibrant city of Hong Kong, known for its rich cultural heritage and dynamic blend of Eastern and Western influences. With its world-class dining, shopping, and entertainment, Hong Kong offers a unique backdrop for networking and building new connections. Attendees can look forward to experiencing the city's iconic landmarks, such as Victoria Peak and the Star Ferry, as well as discovering its hidden gems, including local street markets and art galleries. Overall, the 8th Annual Conference promises to be an unforgettable experience for professionals in the field of family therapy, and a celebration of the power of connection and community.


The Association for Family Therapy (UK) Virtual Conference 2023: Building bridges for peace promoting peace and conflict resolution

Thursday 14th & Friday 15th September 2023

This year is about healing, reaching out and reconnection – to celebrate where we have made real progress, and think together where there is work to be done. We have a fantastic line-up of interesting and exciting speakers. Invitations to present have also been accepted by an academically and clinically varied group of speakers, including:

Jo Berry Building Bridges for Peace. Jo founded the charity after losing her father Sir Anthony in the Brighton bomb in 1984 and since 2000 she has been working with the ex IRA combatant Patrick Magee who was convicted for the Grand Hotel bombing. In the last 22 years they have spoken together over 300 times and Jo draws on this experience in all the work she does. The lessons she has been learning are now part of her work in demonstrating the power of empathy, how we cannot choose revenge and blame. Above all she is working for a world where no one is demonised, where everyone has their truth and we find ways to resolve conflict so all win (

Thupten Jinpa, Ph.D. founder and chairman of Compassion Institute, principal author of Compassion Cultivation Training™ (CCT©), the Institute’s flagship compassion education offering, developed while he was at Stanford University, adjunct professor at the Faculty of Religious Studies at McGill University, Montreal, founder and president of the Institute of Tibetan Classics,  core member of the Mind and Life Institute and its chairman of the board since January 2012

Dawn Edge – mental health & inclusivity 

Selam Kidane –  unaccompanied refugee children 

Arlene Healey – trauma

Don Waisanen –  communication accountability  and its connection to democracy  and social justice

Kenyah Nyameche – project; From Rwanda to Wakanda

Temitope Ademosu  – global mental health 


View the full programme and speaker biographies and abstracts

All times are listed in United Kingdom time (British Summer Time - BST) (UTC +1)

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All keynote sessions will be recorded and made available to ticket holders as a replay.